TSDS Project Archives - Historical Documents

This page houses historical documents from the TSDS research and design process.  Because some of the information and terminology in these documents in now out of date, we have separated them from the regular archived material. 

However, because these materials illustrate our initial vision, the processes we used for researching requirements, and the responses we received from the many stakeholders with whom we worked, they are a valuable component of the project's history.

Note that this project is the culmination of earlier analyses of TEA's data collection system, so early documents often refer to the Texas Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting System Investigation (TDCARSI) or its successor, the Collection, Analysis, and Reporting Systems (CARS).

One of the core recommendations of the TDCARSI analysis was a state-hosted data warehouse for education data.  In older documents, this was often called the "District Connections Database" or "DCD". In the developed system, the role of the DCD is fulfilled by the Operational Data Store (ODS), which is the central repository in the larger Education Data Warehouse (EDW) database that supports TSDS.

Stakeholder Input and Communications


Using Performance Data in the Classroom 

Case Studies 


TSDS Regional Stakeholder Forums

Grant Proposals


Rollout Documents