TSDS PEIMS is the software application for the state's Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). LEAs and ESCs publish, validate, and submit their PEIMS data to TEA via TSDS PEIMS. The system also provides reports and access for the current year plus prior four years' collections. PEIMS is the legislatively mandated set of data collected by TEA about public education, including student, staff, course, financial, and organizational information.
How Does TSDS PEIMS Benefit my Local Education Agency?
- All PEIMS collections for the current school year are open from the beginning of the school year.
- It allows full PEIMS collection loads by Education Service Center (ESC), local education agency (LEA—Texas school district or charter school) or campus.
- It allows partial data loads, helping you avoid unwanted data changes.
- TSDS PEIMS reports and extensive business validations allows ESCs and LEAs to verify that their data is accurate and has fully transitioned from the local Student Information System (SIS) into the PEIMS Data Mart (PDM).
- TSDS PEIMS retains prior year reports and data required for reference by LEAs.
- It provides a user-friendly, intuitive navigation for PEIMS submission approvers to approve their PEIMS Submission or request an extension.
TSDS PEIMS Resources
- The PEIMS data submissions are based on the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) which is based on the national level Ed-Fi standard developed by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation. Visit the TEDS page for more information.
- Explore PEIMS calculations on our Tech Tips page and PEIMS promotion logic on our Data Collections Documentation page.
- If you have further questions, please visit our PEIMS and PEIMS Data Mart FAQs or contact TEA at TSDSdeployment@tea.texas.gov.
LEA source systems communicate with the IODSs in the Landing Zone which, in turn, feeds the following three systems in the EDW: Unique ID, Core Collection, and TSDS PEIMS. Two EDW systems: Core Collection and TSDS PEIMS in turn feed Other Agency/State/Federal/Public Reporting Systems.