See also: Champions for ESCs 1-10 | Champions for ESCs 11-20 | TSDS Certified Vendors The latest Field Coordination Network presentations, webinars, and TSDS user guides are now posted on the new For ESC Staff resources page. The LEA Stewards and ESC Champions provide critical support and training for the rollout and ongoing use of TSDS. TSDS represents a radical departure in data collection for TEA because it provides data directly to authorized educators in near-real time. However, the size of the user base for this initiative requires a new, formal approach to training and support: In addition to their roles as TSDS Champions, ESCs engage with TSDS in a number of ways: See also: Champions for ESCs 1-10 | Champions for ESCs 11-20Latest News
Webinars, Presentations, User Guides Posted
What Are TSDS Champions and Stewards?
LEA Stewards
Executive Steward
Appointed member (likely Superintendent or designee) that is responsible for leading TSDS deployment for their LEA.
Data Steward (Technical Support)
The TSDS Data Steward will work with the source data vendors to ensure the data is properly loaded into the Operational Data Store (ODS).
PEIMS Coordinator
Designated PEIMS Coordinators within LEAs across the state of Texas.
Unique ID Steward
Recommended position for all LEAs to help launch TSDS Unique ID within their LEA.
Program Steward
Recommended position for large LEAs or LEAs that plan to implement multiple TSDS components at the same time to help manage the complexity of training and deployment within their LEA.
ESC Champions
Executive Champion
Appointed member (likely ESC Executive Director) that is responsible for leading TSDS deployment within their region.
Technical Champion
Appointed member that is responsible for training and supporting LEA Data Stewards on how to work with their source data vendors to ensure their data is properly loaded into the Operational Data Store (ODS).
PEIMS Champion
Appointed member (likely PEIMS Coordinator) that is responsible for training and supporting the LEA PEIMS Coordinators as they transition to the new TSDS PEIMS process.
Unique ID Champion
Appointed member responsible for training and supporting LEA Unique ID Stewards in the use of TSDS Unique ID.
TEAL Champion
Appointed member responsible for supporting LEA and ESC staff with TEAL access requests and related access issues.