A library of common questions about the TSDS project--view general questions below or explore the FAQs contents at left for questions about specific components of the system.
General TSDS questions are answered on this page; for questions about specific components of the TSDS system, explore the links in the sidebar. The Texas Student Data System (TSDS) is TEA's vision for an enhanced statewide longitudinal data system that will streamline the local education agency (LEA—Texas school district or charter school) data collection and submission process; equip educators with historical, timely, and actionable student data to drive classroom and student success; and integrate data from preschool through postsecondary school for improved decision making. Go to the Project History to learn more about the issues that led to this initiative. TSDS is only partially and indirectly part of the accountability system—some PEIMS data is forwarded to the accountability system to be folded into assessment and other data. The following briefly outlines stakeholder benefits of the TSDS solution: Through the adoption of Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) in XML, it will be easier for vendors to manage the extract building process (see Technical Resources for more information). Throughout this project, our most important source of information has been our end users. TEA has conducted detailed background research and extensive consultation with thousands of education stakeholders across the state through various channels, including interviews and surveys with districts and charters, regional ESCs serving LEAs, and SIS vendors. In the spring of 2010, TEA and ESCs hosted a series of regional forums and webinars to solicit feedback from educators on the ODS and voluntary statewide SIS requirements. TEA has also drawn heavily on input from Advisory Groups who have provided requirements and vetted documents. In addition, MSDF has elicited feedback during every limited production release. And the Data Governance process ensures that end users are part of every major decision about student data. PEIMS data is aggregated with other significant academic data in our longitudinal data warehouse, the Texas P-20 TPEIR. A wealth of data that complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is available through TPEIR's public website. The TSDS solution is overseen by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) with significant input from education stakeholder groups, including TEA staff, ESCs, LEA educators, legislators, education research groups, educational organizations, and foundations. Funding for the District Connections Database (the ODS prototype) and the original version of this TSDS web site is being provided by MSDF. View the Project History and Our Partners to learn more. LEAs have the option of granting TEA limited, temporary access to the PDM and DDM for support purposes when technical assistance is needed. Authorized ESC users will have limited, temporary access to LEA data in the ODS and will have access to the PDM and DDM. There will be three levels of support for LEAs for TSDS: Level 1: LEAs will have an on-site contact person for technical issues and PEIMS. Level 2: If the LEA cannot resolve the issue, they will contact their ESC for support. PCPEI passed a motion that—with security authorization from a LEA—select ESC staff will be allowed to have read-only limited access to the EDW: ODS, and/or the PEIMS Data Mart. ESC staff will be required to complete training and be certified by TEA in order to provide TSDS support. Level 3: If the ESC is unable to resolve the issue, ESC staff will contact TEA SEDS via a ticketing system that will be integrated with TSDS. PCPEI passed a motion that—with security authorization from a LEA for emergency reasons and temporary time periods—select TEA staff be allowed to have limited read-only access to the PEIMS Data Mart. If the issue is with the ODS (not the PDM or DDM), then Level 3 support will be provided by eScholar. The system will have the capacity to store current year data and up to four historical years' data. Specific data sets (such as course history) will be stored for multiple years. In addition, all PEIMS data will continue to be archived by TSDS just as it is in the legacy system. Not at this time. School districts will determine how often their data will be refreshed. PEIMS and Unique ID are the only required components. Yes. Not at this time. TPEIR is free and open to the public.
General TSDS Questions
What Is TSDS?
Will this system be part of the accountability system?
How will the TSDS solution decrease the data collection burden on LEAs?
What are the system's benefits to LEAs? How will this solution benefit other stakeholders in Texas?
How will educational system vendors be affected?
How has TEA incorporated users' perspective on the TSDS solution, including the Student Information System (SIS) and Operational Data Store (ODS) reporting tools?
What reporting will be available to the public?
Who is sponsoring the TSDS project?
Who will provide support to LEAs for the TSDS system?
How will TEA support TSDS?
Will historical data and grades be stored in TSDS?
Can parents opt out of letting teachers access past years' data (grades, discipline, attendance, etc) for their children?
How often will the data in the Operational Data Store and PEIMS be refreshed?
Which of TSDS components will be required?
Once my LEA switches to the TSDS, will we still need a SIS or state-sponsored SIS?
Will you be integrating the EXCEED/IEP special education application into TSDS?
Is there a fee to access TPEIR?